Contact Duranet

If you cannot find certain information on our website or if you have a specific question about one of our products, please provide us with your details. We will contact you within 2 working days.

You can also call us on any working day from 8 am to 12 pm and from 12.30 pm to 5 pm at +32 (0)59 55 19 90.

* required field

Duranet bv
Stationsstraat 107
8400 Oostende

Phone: +32 (0)59 55 19 90

VAT number: BE 0459.368.838

Opening hours for pick-up

Monday – Thursday:
08 am – 12 pm / 12.30 pm – 16.30 pm

08 am – 12 pm  / 12.30 pm – 13.30 pm

Closing days 2024

April 1: Easter Monday
May 1: celebration of Labour
May 9, and May 10: O.L.H. Ascension
May 20: Whit Monday
July 18, until August 4: annual holiday
August 15 and August 16: Our Lady Ascension
November 1: All Saints’ Day
November 11: Armistice Day
December 24, until January 5, 2024: Christmas holidays and inventory